Our Goal
Introduction of Electric Vehicles (EV) will require additional electricity and conservation methods to avoid power outages and unstable electricity grids. We plan to work with our partners and local electricity authorities to offer customers solutions to secure a reliable electrical grid and sustainable introduction of EVs while increasing the use of distributed clean renewable energy generation to reduce the growth of greenhouse gas emissions.
Electric vehicles are expected to represent between 5% and 25% of all vehicles sold between 2020 and 2040. The draw on our electrical grid will be significant. The integration of EV Charge Centres and home charge stations with a smarter electrical distribution network will be required to maintain grid balance and reliable electricity supply. Electric vehicles will be consumers of electricity and suppliers of stored electricity.
Electricity Grid and Power Plants
The U.S. National Academy of Engineering named electrification as the greatest invention of the 20th century. Electricity is a vital source of energy to sustain modern civilization. Electricity transmission over long distances results in electricity losses. Power generated from burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas) increases green house gas emissions and air pollution. The use of non-renewable sources of fuel is not sustainable.
Clean Safe Electricity Generation
The cost of generating clean electricity from renewable energy sources has declined over the past decade. Renewable sources of energy generation offer reduced reliance on fossil fuels and sustainable energy sources such as solar, wind, water flow and geothermal sources.
Smart Use of Electricity
Power management devices monitor and regulate electricity demand and supply of residential and non-residential electricity users. These devices communicate with grid managers to reduce electricity costs by avoiding electricity waste within consumer premises. This is accomplished through two-way communication between consumer master circuit boards that switch power to electrical appliances or loads in real-time. Intelligent automated communications between electricity grid monitoring devices permits monitoring of ectricity use and costs, improves grid reliability and delays development of new expensive power generators, such as nuclear power plants. It costs less to conserve electricity than to generate new electricity.